Branding your website

By using some of the brand elements you can adapt your Society website to align it to The Arts Society's visual identity.

The web fonts are provided as part of your Google G Suite
The web fonts for Gotham and Plantin which may be used in conjunction with Content Management Systems or Cascading Style Sheets (css) to enable the corporate fonts to be used on the website.

Gotham: may be used for headlines, in upper case only
Plantin: may be used for sub headings or emphasis
Recommendation: use Times New Roman for body text

Where webfonts cannot be used, Verdana is recommended for Headings in upper case and Times New Roman as a replacement for Plantin.

Main banner images
Recommended to use the white logo “epsom-white-80%.png” placed over the banner image. The logotype has an 80% transparency and the wordtype underneath is 100% opaque.

Purple for headings: #421c48
Blue for buttons, labels and links: #0097c1
Pink for buttons, labels and links: #e50064
Grey for background (eg: footer) #cec9ce