We are able to help Societies and Areas design and produce pull-up banners following our brand guidelines. The banners work best when they reflect the local area. Most Societies will source a good local picture which we can then drop into our templates.
The way the process works is this:
Contact us on the email address admin@theartssociety.org where we can process your request. You'll be contacted and asked to follow these simple steps
- you send us a picture and any specific requirements
- We create the artwork from our templates
- We will send you the artwork via Wetransfer.com
- You place an order with your local printers or use a tried and tested company such as Solopress.com who will deliver nationwide.
- At this point it is your responsibility to follow up with the printers to confirm that everything has been received and your delivery date. We do not get involved again unless there is a problem with the artwork and this has been reported to us.
- The printers send the banner directly to you
To produce a banner approximately 2 metres in height requires a very large file containing print quality images. We will send you a low resolution proof via email which you can use to check that everything is right, we will then send the high resolution artwork direct to the printers.